Rehearsals: We normally rehearse every Thursday evening at Mortimer (St Johns) Village Hall during the school term times.
We will resume rehearsals on the 5th September to start at 7:30 and finish at 9:30, with a short break for refreshments.
If wish to join us, contact us on [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
How to find Mortimer (St Johns) Village Hall:
Recent Events:
The Hurst Singers held a sucessful event at Beech Hill. We had a great turn out and had a fine time singing a mix of classics ‘You’ll never walk alone’ and some beautiful but lesser known pieces such as ‘Alleluia’ by Dietrich Buxtehude.

Earlier Events:
Our last OPEN REHEARSAL took place on Thursday 21st March at St. John’s Hall in Mortimer from 7.30pm. Another successful event!
Last Christmas, Hurst Singers entertained a great audience to mark the end of the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Mary’s Church in Burghfield. We sang a mixture of Christmas related songs, my personal favourites were ‘Bethlehem’ and ‘O Holy Night’- Clive’s beautiful solo was a magical moment!
‘Thank you for inviting me to your lovely choir. They make a lovely sound’. ‘A lovely start to Christmas’. Thank you to all who came to listen.