Current Events

Our last OPEN REHEARSAL took place on Thursday 21st March at St. John’s Hall in Mortimer from 7.30pm. Another successful event!

Rehearsals: We normally rehearse every Thursday evening at Mortimer (St Johns) Village Hall during the school term times.

Rehearsals start at 7:30 and finish at 9:30, with a short break for refreshments.

If wish to join us, please see our contacts page for how to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!

How to find us:

Past Events

Once again The Hurst Singers entertained a great audience to mark the end of the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Mary’s Church in Burghfield. We sang a mixture of Christmas related songs, my personal favourites were ‘Bethlehem’ and ‘O Holy Night’- Clive’s beautiful solo was a magical moment!

Our Open Rehearsal received brilliant reviews: ‘Thank you for inviting me to your lovely choir. They make a lovely sound’. ‘A lovely start to Christmas’. Thank you to ll who came to listen. If you missed it please come along to our free event at St, Mary’s Church- see above!

In July 2023 at St. Mary’s Church, Beech Hill in July 2023 the choir performed to a packed church. What a fabulous concert this was! We were very lucky to be joined by Jasmine and Chris Faulkner who are both amazing singers and brought a touch of class to our choir. Thank you to both singers for joining us and making the occasion such a memorable one!

The Spring Concert March 25th 2023

Our Springtime Concert in Burghfield St. Mary’s Church was a triumph! The church was nearly full with many friends, family members, congregation members and local people listening and enjoying our performance. We performed a range of pieces as usual, this time including music from Miss Saigon, Bizet’s Carmen, Love Devine and many more. Mari delighted the audience with two solos, accompanied by Alison, our pianist, and our splinter group singers sung some entertaining madrigals. A very enjoyable evening!

Christmas Carols at the Horse and Groom pub in Mortimer

This year, at last after Covid, we were able to sing at the Horse and Groom pub in Mortimer alongside the Berkshire Concert Band. We received this message of thanks from the Methodist church who organised the event: Just a short note to say many, many thanks to everyone who took part or contributed to the success of the Community Carols event yesterday evening. The band and choir were especially great. It was good to see so many people taking part, and a lot of people attending.

Christmas Tree Festival at St. Mary’s Church, Burghfield.

On Sunday 11th December, we sang to a big festive audience at the Christmas Tree Festival. It was lovely to sing at this event again and the Christmas trees were delightful. Thank you to Burghfield St Mary’s for inviting us again!

June 25th, 2022: Another successful concert at the lovely venue of St. Mary’s Church, Burghfield. We performed all of the pieces that we’d been practising this year, including ‘The Greatest Showman’, ‘Ave Verum Corpus’, a compilation of songs from ‘West Side Story’ and many more. Wine, teas, coffee and biscuits were served during the interval, making it a very enjoyable evening. If you missed this one, make sure you head along to our next performance! Please see the gallery for photos of this event.

June 4th, 2022: We performed on stage at the Mortimer Platinum Jubilee Celebrations to a great crowd who were out enjoying the festivities! What an amazing afternoon! Please see our gallery for photos of this event.

December 11th, 2021: We gave a concert at St Mary’s Church, Burghfield. We sang a variety of Christmas song to a packed church.